Philosophy | Psychology | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary | Wheel of Wisdom

GRATITUDE – the Dr. Sally series

By / 2019-12-24

By Dr. Sally Torkos (Clinical and Research Psychology PhD with 30 year clinical practice) In her book Grateful, Diana Butler Bass discusses how often we do not really know what it means to be truly grateful for something.  She makes it clear that she is not referring to obligatory gratitude (which she calls cheap gratitude); but […]

Dr. Sally Series | Philosophy | Psychology | Psyculture | Spirituality | Wheel of Wisdom

DO YOU HAVE A SOUL? – the Dr. Sally series

By / 2019-11-07

By Dr. Sally Torkos (Clinical and Research Psychology PhD with 30 year clinical practice) The first time I conceived of soul was when I was a child of 10 or 11 and had been told in my Christian Sunday school class that I had a soul, which is always aware of me and doesn’t like it […]

Dr. Sally Series | Philosophy | Psyculture | Story | Wheel of Wisdom

THE STORY OF A DEAL – the Dr. Sally series

By / 2019-10-18

While academically investigating areas connected to the ‘self, soul and ego’ in her Dr. Sally series, here’s a philosophical story from both our Wheel of Wisdom elders, from another angle. As Dr Sally says, “stories are not directly telling you something, as essays do, they do not generate much resistance. The ideas in stories can […]