Those of you who have been at O.Z.O.R.A. probably know about our much respected Wisdom Elders, Dr. Sally Torkos and Prof. Béla Torkos. You may have even taken part in their Wheel of Wisdom course or have seen them in the Dome on Opening Day as Omingbirdwoman and the Wizard of OzOra performing some of […]
We are honoured to welcome Sereno Sky, author of the «Lonely Traveller» novels, among the ranks of The Prophet’s guest authors, with his first contribution to our tribe’s online magazine, a timely eye-opener and reminder about an issue close to all our hearts, he we treat animals – ourselves and the other sentient beings coexisting […]
As organic art and recyclart are also at the forefront of the Ozorian art scene, new installations and landart projects from waste and natural materials sourced on site pop up each year around the festival. One of the newest creatures that took shape this summer is the one we call Dragon Dog, who found its […]
By NEDDA MAGIC ADVISOR – 4 Planets in Scorpio, opposite Uranus, OMG this is an All Hallows’ Eve! The month began with a square between Mercury and Pluto. Perfect preparation for Scorpio times… secrets and confusions could disturb our heads. If that had been not enough, Venus, the planet of beauty and love, turned retrograde […]
By Dr. Sally And Prof. Béla This is the story of OM from the Hindu belief system. Before the dawn of time, Vishnu (considered by some as the supreme deity & savior, by others as the preserver of the cosmos in a triad with Brahma and Shiva) was resting comfortably on his couch—the thousand headed serpent […]
By PONY – We all belong somewhere – at least we all want to. People who are part of a community, group, gang, circle, assembly, you name it, instantly feel connected and develop a compassion for other individuals in it. I see people dedicated to something – it may be their work, a passion, self-expression, […]
We’ve caught up with Taj of UASCA‘s duo, Fluxo and Tajmahal, to hear their background story and to present the many-layered musical and visionary project that their newest album, Cosmos Umbilical has flowered into. Enjoy audioillustrated. How did your journey start? Well, my first rave party changed my life, we felt something was born: a […]