Philosophy | Psychology | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary | Wheel of Wisdom

GRATITUDE – the Dr. Sally series

By / 2019-12-24

By Dr. Sally Torkos (Clinical and Research Psychology PhD with 30 year clinical practice) In her book Grateful, Diana Butler Bass discusses how often we do not really know what it means to be truly grateful for something.  She makes it clear that she is not referring to obligatory gratitude (which she calls cheap gratitude); but […]

Just Sayin' | Philosophy | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary

JUST SAYIN’ – If We Were All Gardeners…

By / 2019-11-13

ANGELA THIESZ just sayin’… I live in a garden on a hill… I love it. All my five children were born into this house. When I was expecting my first child, I felt that this is where paradise should be. The house was built in the valley, a good, cool house. One side is covered […]

Dr. Sally Series | Philosophy | Psychology | Psyculture | Spirituality | Wheel of Wisdom

DO YOU HAVE A SOUL? – the Dr. Sally series

By / 2019-11-07

By Dr. Sally Torkos (Clinical and Research Psychology PhD with 30 year clinical practice) The first time I conceived of soul was when I was a child of 10 or 11 and had been told in my Christian Sunday school class that I had a soul, which is always aware of me and doesn’t like it […]

Just Sayin' | Philosophy | Spirituality


By / 2019-10-30

Anything you’re Just Sayin’? Share your actual a-ha moments, realizations, profound or plain silly thoughts, and send them to The Prophet ( for all of us to read, contemplate and relate to… DORA SABINE just sayin’… Everybody admires “strong people”, who keep on hearing how great it is that they are so “strong” and can […]

Environment | Philosophy | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary

There is no separation, except in our minds…

By / 2019-10-02

By ESZTER ANDRADI We all probably heard the famous sentences, which are cited so often that they’ve almost become cliches in different spiritual practices and also in the psytrance scene: We are all one. We are all that is. The meaning behind these words start to loosen after they are repeated too many times and […]

Body + Soul | Curiosity | Participate! | Philosophy | Psychology | Psycultural | Science | Spirituality | Visionary

TALKING TO THE DEAD – the Dr. Sally series

By / 2019-09-18

A continuation from last month’s Are You Psychic? article of the series. By Dr. Sally Torkos (Clinical and Research Psychology PhD with 30 year clinical practice) For this month, we will discuss another significant ability that belongs to the realm of ESP and that is being a medium.  A medium is someone who has the ability […]

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