Astrosophy | Spirituality | Visionary


By / 2018-10-31

By NEDDA MAGIC ADVISOR – 4 Planets in Scorpio, opposite Uranus, OMG this is an All Hallows’ Eve!  The month began with a square between Mercury and Pluto. Perfect preparation for Scorpio times… secrets and confusions could disturb our heads. If that had been not enough, Venus, the planet of beauty and love, turned retrograde […]

Literature | Philosophy | Spirituality | Story

Tale4Today – Time & Love

By / 2018-10-30

TIME & LOVE Once upon a time, on an island there lived all the feelings and emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to them that the island would sink! So all constructed boats and left. Except for Love. Love wanted to hold out until the […]

Festival | Music | O.Z.O.R.A. | Perfomance | Release | Spirituality | Video

RetrOZpect – Ambyss off to a Whirling Start

By / 2018-10-12

The opening of a new stage this summer, the Ambyss at O.Z.O.R.A. definitely counts as a significant milestone in the festival and our overall music-anchored Ozorian history. Why, you may ask, was there a need for a stage solely dedicated to bringing Ozorians ambient sounds and live acts, when the Dome was already there, originally […]

Body + Soul | O.Z.O.R.A. | Philosophy | Spirituality | Visionary

Wisdom Elders: OM A Powerful Symbol of Creativity

By / 2018-10-09

By Dr. Sally And Prof. Béla This is the story of OM from the Hindu belief system. Before the dawn of time, Vishnu (considered by some as the supreme deity & savior, by others as the preserver of the cosmos in a triad with Brahma and Shiva) was resting comfortably on his couch—the thousand headed serpent […]

Philosophy | Spirituality

Rainbow Warrior – Saying “I don’t need drugs to have fun” doesn’t make you a better person

By / 2018-10-08

By Kai Teo On our sacred festival grounds, our underground dance floors, and even our everyday EDM parties, there will always be a number of people high on mind-altering substances, be it alcohol, psychedelics, uppers, or downers. Everyone’s dancing, some are soaked with sweat, someone’s naked on a table, but you know, they seem happy. […]

Astrosophy | Psychology | Spirituality


By / 2018-09-08

By NEDDA MAGIC ADVISOR – The Lord of Time and Karma has turned direct! Ladies and Gentlemen, we have entered through The Door of the Next Level. The keywords are: time, responsibility, karma, destiny. The retrograde motion of Saturn started on April 17 at 9° Capricorn and ended on September 6 at 2° Capricorn. Saturn […]

Philosophy | Psychology | Spirituality


By / 2018-08-23

By FREYA – Ideas of value for the modern mind: Most of us are seekers, right? Seekers of something… and even though we believe in the intelligence of the universe, if we believe all is connected, that everything happens for a reason and that there is a higher force that unfolds the events of our […]

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