CLICK TO READ: JULY PROPHET 2020-7-20 Paperless Ozorian
The June message from our one and only spider-whispering poetess. By Spiderosa Spider spider on the wall Tell me who is gonna win it all? It is everywhere and you know it Your every little cell tells the same story Of hope and glory Soon nothing left but to worry You need to remember life […]
By ESZTER ANDRADI The majority of the world is still under lockdown because of COVID-19. Being closed in for more than two months, with much less freedom than usual, people’s mental health issues are triggered, and we might experience emotions we have never experienced before. Now, that we have had the time to quiet our […]
By Dr. Sally Torkos (Clinical and Research Psychology PhD with 30 year clinical practice) This essay is going to be considering several different aspects of the Covid-19 Coronavirus impact, beginning with some considerations for you to think about. Think about what you have learned from your Covid-19 experience. What has it been like for you? Seriously […]
Written by Pony Often we refer to the Ozorian community and its members as “children”, not because they are childish but because they enjoy letting go of their adult identities. This gathering is the place and time to waken our inner child, give them joy and a magical, giant playground. There’s no question about why […]
Written by Blaze So here’s the switch: a small, microscopic organism brings the whole world to a grinding halt. Huge factories are frozen mid-production, our highways empty. People duck and cover into isolation. Now, nature has shown, with a mere flick of a wrist, who has the upper hand. When I first heard, in secondary […]
By Dr. Sally Torkos (Clinical and Research Psychology PhD with 30 year clinical practice) The tunnel with a bright light at the end of it is one of the most familiar images many of us have been exposed to regarding those having a near death experience (NDE). This tunnel experience was noted by one of the […]