Circus | Interview | O.Z.O.R.A. | Ozorian | Psyculture


By / 2019-12-26

(Scroll down for Hungarian.) I wasn’t sure what to expect as I was ringing Ernő Szenes, or as he is affectionately called – Szeni. He was called to my attention (thank you kroko!) as another perfect subject of the ‘Ozorian’ column, being a central figure of the Artisan Bazaar, and the Hungarian juggling scene as […]

Arts | Interview | Ozorian | Psyculture

OZORIAN – El Pelopincho

By / 2019-10-09

“Ozorian” can mean different things to different people, it can mean different journeys that lead us to finding our tribe and finding ourselves, and through our alternate universe finding ways to shape reality. Therefore, this series is about You, just as much as about Us. It’s about the amazing, inspiring people who make up our […]

Festival | O.Z.O.R.A. | Ozorian | Psyculture

OZORIAN – The Photographer’s Wife, Kinga & Pawel Wieloch

By / 2019-09-10

The column we named ‘OZORIAN’ first appeared in the Saturday edition of this summer’s printed festival Prophet. It was meant to start a tradition of introducing some of the amazing and inspiring people who make up the Ozorian psy-community, who share its mindset and passions, anyone from any part of the world who feels they […]