As O.Z.O.R.A. gets closer, we’d like to help you prepare for it better and more easily. In addition to the informative Did-U-Know show on radiOzora every Thursday, we’re collecting some FAQ and answers for you here as well, so that you can Know It All.
The Prophet continues its collaboration with radiOzora and brings you another of its audioillustrated interviews, this time with Nova Gravity and for the backdrop music listen to his set made for the radio.
Today we arrive at the top, the Crown chakra or Calming, soothing foods are to be consumed such as purple onion, aubergines. Time to come down. What a feast it has been! It is the time for fasting, for giving our body a rest Today, to echo the symbol of the Crown Chakra, the thousand-petaled […]
WHITE – As we take our journey up along the spine and feature food to match the colour of each chakra for balancing it, we reach the most sublime chakras. The week-end is the time for fasting. This is the time of the Third Eye and the Crown chakras, which are connected to the higher […]
RED – This year, the Cooking Grove is a rainbow of a take a walk along the rainbow with us, skipping over colours, eating up the rainbow. During the seven days we will be going through the seven chakras and the colours associate with them. Red, blue! Green! Yellow! – let your lips be smeared […]
RED – Today we simplify. Pizza is one of the – if not the – most popular and simple dishes in the world. However, do not be fooled. To make it really well, several tricks can be done – today we bring you the most simple recipe ever, yet the longest one. So about green… […]
YELLOW is the colour connected to the Solar Plexus chakra, found in the middle of the belly. It is the chakra responsible for energy; think about the digestion and how it is the basis of our energy. On this day, Fáni suggest food that is easily digested and that has a detoxifying effect: corn, grapefruit, […]
ORANGE – Today is the day of the Sacral (or Sex) Chakra and its corresponding colour, orange. As the festival mood gets higher and higher, we also travel along the spine and bring you foods to stimulate the libido. The primary drive of this energy centre is pleasure, so it’s all about food with oomph […]