Arts | Astrosophy | Event | Festival | General Interest | Literature | Music | O.Z.O.R.A. | Philosophy | Psycultural | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary

MONDAY PROPHET – July 29, 2019

By / 2019-08-12

If you missed the printed festival editions of The Ozorian Prophet down on site, or haven’t got your printed copies, you can read them here in the online Prophet, where you can keep connected, inspired or updated all year long – daily one bunch of memories from our last days in Paradise together, through the […]

Festival | Healing | O.Z.O.R.A. | Participate! | Philosophy | Psychology | Psycultural | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary


By / 2019-07-25

By Dr. Sally and Professor Béla Torkos  Ozora Festival is unique among festivals; you won’t find anything like it anywhere else in the world! One of the reasons for its uniqueness is its living symbol: The Wheel of Wisdom (W.o.W. The idea for it was developed by Dr. Sally Torkos from her extensive research and […]

Festival | Music | O.Z.O.R.A. | Q&A | radiOzora

KATAMII – On the Way to the 2019 Pumpui Stage

By / 2019-07-23

Leading DJane, longtime resident and one of the main sound designers of the Pumpui musical experience, KATAMII is also just a few days away from moving down on site. Get to know her through this Q&A while you listen to her On the Way appetizer for this edition. (You can find the Hungarian version below.) […]

Festival | Healing | Lecture | O.Z.O.R.A. | Participate! | Philosophy | Psychology | Psycultural | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary


By / 2019-07-18

By Dr. Sally and Professor Béla Torkos  Just look at the happy, silly faces of last year’s graduating Initiates. They are happy because they have just completed five days of serious hard work on developing a relationship with the Great Mother, themselves, and consciousness (among other things). Not only did they attend every day’s (2½ […]

Festival | Interview | Music | O.Z.O.R.A. | Q&A | radiOzora

RUMBO TUMBA On the Way to the 2019 Ambyss

By / 2019-07-13

Rumbo Tumba is bringing his Andean experimental electro-acoustic live project to the 2019 Ozorian Ambyss. Here’s a bit about the project through the eyes and words of Facundo Salgado. Also, while you’re reading, push play and listen to the exclusive mix he made for radiOzora. – What is the meaning behind your project name? The […]

Festival | Healing | O.Z.O.R.A. | Participate! | Philosophy | Psychology | Psycultural | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary

SACRED STONES – the Dr. Sally series

By / 2019-07-11

By Dr. Sally Torkos (Clinical and Research Psychology PhD with 30 year clinical practice) “The idea “as above, so below” evokes an awe toward Nature, a sense that we share consciousness with plants, animals, stars and stones, that all living creatures, including stones, share a consciousness with the Soul of the World . . . or […]

Body + Soul | Environment | Festival | General Interest | O.Z.O.R.A. | Psycultural | Workshop

Another wildflowery peak inside the Ozorian Herb Hut

By / 2019-07-08

The Ozorian Herb Hut is where you can learn to appreciate the beneficial goodness our Earth yields. The workshops held here each summer are always useful, and teach you to respect and love Mother Nature even more, as you re-discover the treasures she grows. After presenting one of the magical plants that will play a […]

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