Gastro | O.Z.O.R.A.

Today we have an easy task

By / 2015-09-12

RED – Today we simplify. Pizza is one of the – if not the – most popular and simple dishes in the world. However, do not be fooled. To make it really well, several tricks can be done – today we bring you the most simple recipe ever, yet the longest one. So about green… […]

Gastro | O.Z.O.R.A.

The yellow of the pumpkin

By / 2015-08-28

YELLOW is the colour connected to the Solar Plexus chakra, found in the middle of the belly. It is the chakra responsible for energy; think about the digestion and how it is the basis of our energy. On this day, Fáni suggest food that is easily digested and that has a detoxifying effect: corn, grapefruit, […]

Gastro | O.Z.O.R.A.

Everything but orange

By / 2015-08-21

ORANGE – Today is the day of the Sacral (or Sex) Chakra and its corresponding colour, orange. As the festival mood gets higher and higher, we also travel along the spine and bring you foods to stimulate the libido. The primary drive of this energy centre is pleasure, so it’s all about food with oomph […]

Gastro | O.Z.O.R.A.

The stratosphere in our sight

By / 2015-08-05

BLUE AND PURPLE – Today on the menu are stunning purple and maroon vegetables such as aubergines, beetroot, purple onion and of course the fruits that ripen at the end of summer: plums, blackcurrants, dark olives without limit. On this day the focus is on food that enhances psychic energies. Food that is fast absorbed, […]

Body + Soul | Gastro

Our Daily Bread #7: The Wind That Shakes The Barley

By / 2014-08-24

Barley/ Árpa / Gerste / Orge / Cebada / Orzo—Basking in the sun of yesterday’s column, today’s issue is about mud. Now that we can look back on it from under half-closed eyelids shimmering under the sun or from the coolness of shades as our body is bronzed. Barley is a crop that grows in […]

Body + Soul | Gastro

Our Daily Bread #6: Mango: taco-taco, burrito-burrito!

By / 2014-08-23

Corn / Kukorica / Mais / Maïs/ Maiz–Now that the sun is officially back to shine down upon us, caress our backs and turn our faces and days golden, we are turning our clear eyes towards it. So today we will be looking at sun drying and at corn, perhaps the most sun-loving of all […]

Body + Soul | Gastro

Our Daily Bread #5: Tap into This Rich Tradition

By / 2014-08-22

Reis / Rizs / Riz / Arroz / Riso—Rice is the seed of the monocot plants Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or Oryza glaberrima (African rice). As a cereal grain, it is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world’s human population, especially in Asia. It is the grain with the […]

Body + Soul | Gastro

Our Daily Bread #4: As If Horses Were Not Majestic

By / 2014-08-21

Oat / Zab / Hafer / Avoine / Avena—I am not a horse!—goes the local saying, when one mentions oats in Hungary, looked down-upon as horse fodder by the local people whose stomach are generally used to more earthy, heavy stuff (think goulash). As if horses were not majestic, beautiful, sensitive, and very very strong!

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