Peach jam, peach compote, peach smoothie, peach pie… We’re up to our ears in peaches, but the tree is still sagging beneath tons of the fruit. I had no choice, I had to improvise to bring some variety into the peach season. This is how I composed this mint-vanilla peach soup, which is not only […]
According to a spicy Greek myth, Zeus and Hera had been living in love for 300 years when they could finally get married officially. The ‘holy matrimony’ was followed by a most memorable wedding night. A thick ‘saffron forest’ grew around the newlyweds’ bed, which intoxicated even the dignified main god so much so that […]
Do you remember that scene from Pocahontas when the girl shows John Smith the natural beauties of their land and the love-smitten man blurts out: This place is incredible. And to think we came all this way just to dig it up for gold…
A’S HOLISTIC PANTRY #8 – If you can’t eat gluten, you must have also experienced that substituting bread and baked goods is the biggest challenge. In most shops you can’t get gluten-free products, and if you can, it’s usually low-quality, packaged and preserved ‘artificial’ bread, sold for the price of gold. Their taste and texture […]
A’S HOLISTIC PANTRY #7 – When I started researching this topic, I was torn between two viewpoints: “I am a modern woman, I can’t afford to spend my time baking bread.”
A’S HOLISTIC PANTRY #6 – Your butt is yours. If it’s too big, you can work it off. Your stomach is yours. If it rumbles from hunger, you fill it. Your hands are yours. If they are dirty, you wash them.
A’S HOLISTIC PANTRY #5 – Viagra from the pantry, the secrets of the maca root
A’S HOLISTIC PANTRY #4 – This story took place more than 300 years ago, and started sometime around 1677. That’s when a certain boy named Li Ching Yuen was born in China. I want to tell you about his extraordinary life.