Is the festival suitable for children? At what age do children need a ticket? What do I need to know if I am coming to Ozora with my kid? Where can I find the Child Registration Form? The new festival website launched last week on December 6 with the first lineup and program announcements for […]
Written by Pony Often we refer to the Ozorian community and its members as “children”, not because they are childish but because they enjoy letting go of their adult identities. This gathering is the place and time to waken our inner child, give them joy and a magical, giant playground. There’s no question about why […]
RadiOzora was essentially created out of a desire to keep our tribe connected even when we are not together in the same place and time, and to share and make the rich musical and cultural content that has been unfolding around O.Z.O.R.A.’s psytrance base accessible throughout the year – “listening right now, wherever you are”. […]