Wheel of Wisdom Program – WAKE UP CALL!

By Dr. Sally and Professor Béla Wake Up to your connection to the Universe, the Earth, and Yourself, and join us as we take you on the ancient path around the Wheel of Wisdom (WoW). Wake up to the world changes that are happening and how to contend with them. Wake up to the immense […]


Solipse ’99 and Beyond: The Trance-formative Journey of Psy Culture

On August 11, 1999, the Solipse Festival unfolded under the mesmerizing alignment of the solar eclipse, marking a transformative moment in psy history. Held in Dádpuszta, Hungary, this pioneering festival, organized by William Miller (known as Fish), embraced a kaleidoscope of subcultures and philosophies. Fish, who orchestrated the festival with a modest start-up budget of […]

The Luckiest Conjunction in 2024

Celestial Dynamics by Nedda Magic Advisor The luckiest conjunction in 2024 is when Jupiter meets Uranus in Taurus. This stellar event is considered one of the year’s most intense and luckiest days. When 2 (or more) planets are conjunct, they are very close, so their energies add up to one another. This is a powerful […]

TIME TO SHINE! – New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

Celestial Dynamics by Nedda Magic Advisor Personal plans, courage, independence, and self-assertion are highlighted now. We are now more motivated to work on long-term changes in our lives. Do you have any issues around these themes in your life? Do you see where you haven’t been true to your authentic self? A similar Solar Eclipse […]

April Fools’ Day: Navigating Truths, Regenerating Traditions

April 1st, a day of jests, pranks, and laughter – April Fools’ Day, a celebration where the line between fact and fiction blurs, and the world delights in fooling and being fooled. But amidst the playful deceptions, could there be a deeper truth hidden within the fabric of this whimsical tradition? Dating back to 1392, […]

FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IN LIBRA – “Eclipses want us to change, and change we do!”

Celestial Dynamics by Nedda Magic Advisor Eclipse seasons are about new opportunities and portal openings. They are setting up the next phase of change we are going through. There are usually four eclipses in one year. This eclipse is the second in the Aries/Libra series and encourages a release, change, or even closure around relationships. […]

TAKE THE PUSH! – Spring Equinox 2024

Celestial Dynamics by Nedda Magic Advisor Go to that new direction, that life wants to show to you! Go for that buzz… The universe has something better for you! On the 19th Sun moves into Aries, on the 20th, the astrological new year officially kicks in with the Spring Equinox, a new cycle starts. On […]

LET IT HAPPEN! – New Moon in Pisces

Celestial Dynamics by Nedda Magic Advisor New beginning & fresh start! This New Moon can help you understand your infinite energy and your limitless potential. Everything you desire is already yours. There is no need to control everything. You create what you feel and how you see the world. Your visualizations are amplified now. This […]

DIVINE DOWNLOADS – Cazimis in 2024

Celestial Dynamics by Nedda Magic Advisor “It is here, within Sol’s temple, that new missions are seeded. The planet gets purified in the Sun’s rays, and fresh truths are revealed. Cazimis can offer divine downloads and insights — if we are open to receiving them.” – Chani Cazimi is a planet “in the heart of […]

FEBRUARY OVERLOADED – “Where focus goes, energy flows”

Celestial Dynamics by Nedda Magic Advisor 2024 has not only kicked off with intense cosmic shifts, but February will be the cherry on top to start this year with brand-new versions of ourselves. January’s probably most highlighted event was Pluto entering Aquarius, after 250 years! No living human on Earth has experienced this transit before! […]

More is more!

Astro forecast by Nedda Magic Advisor These aren’t boring times in Existence. The cosmic changes in October are fully proving how magical and uplifting Life can be! It will be fire! We will have an Annular Solar Eclipse (AKA Ring of Fire) in Libra on the 14th and a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 28th […]

The Power of 420

Written by Nedda Magic Advisor This year on April 20 a New Moon – total Solar Eclipse in Aries, combined with a conjunction to Jupiter and a square to Pluto is spicing up our lives! The Lyrids meteor shower peaks on Saturday and a planetary alignment on the evening of April 24 will occur when […]

Hello Sunshine, hello New Moon Spring!

Written by Nedda Magic Advisor The New Moon in Aries marked the beginning of a new cycle this Tuesday – on the very same day when astronomical Spring started. The Pisces New Moon cycle ended, and the Aries New Moon cycle began. This is a good time to commit to personal goals and express the […]

OZORA’s baby brother, DAAD Gathering is starring 20 DJanes this year

Translated from Hungarian article by Peter Gombas, “20 női DJ főszereplésével rendezik meg az idei DAAD Gathering-et” published on primate.hu. This year’s DAAD Gathering is starring 20 DJanes The miracle called DAAD Gathering appeared on the home festival palette in 2021. The event organized on the site Ozora Festival, in Dádpuszta, focuses primarily on techno/house […]


By Dr. Sally and Professor Béla We need four people, two women and two men to assist Dr. Sally and Professor Béla in producing and operating this year’s Wheel of Wisdom Programs (WoW). Our program starts on July 30th and goes until August 3. We will need you to come two weeks before the festival […]


By Dr. Sally and Prof. Béla Torkos  Every year, thousands of people flock to Ozora Festival for the wonderful and oftentimes transformative experiences they have there. Oh yes! The music is fantastic; the dancing out-of-this-world; the art, and artistic opportunities; the lectures, exploring all kinds of amazing, often mind-blowing topics; the food, delectable to many […]

Pilgrimage to Wheel of Wisdom

Introduction by Dr. Sally Torkos I am writing an Introduction to a photo essay photographed and written by Nicolas Lasalle (Niki), a participant in the Initiate’s Program who has been returning since 2015.  Niki expressed a sentiment that many other returning Initiates have also expressed, that of The Wheel of Wisdom and the Program becoming: […]


By Dr. Sally and Prof. Béla Torkos  What does it take to become a fully conscious human being? That kind of awareness does not come from a sudden flash, like a light clicked on or a substance taken, and ta-dun: Enlightenment! No, it begins with the willingness to ask the first question: “Who am I?” […]

Dr. Sally series: THE CYCLE OF LIFE IV – Elderhood, the wintertime of our lives

Written by Dr. Sally and Prof. Bela Torkos The Cycle of Life I – Childhood The Cycle of Life II – Adolescence The Cycle of Life III – Adulthood This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one… the being a force of Nature instead […]

Dr. Sally series: THE CYCLE OF LIFE III – Adulthood

Written by Dr. Sally Torkos The Cycle of Life I – Childhood The Cycle of Life II – Adolescence This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one… the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances […]

Dr. Sally series: THE CYCLE OF LIFE II – Adolescence

Written by Dr. Sally Torkos Who are you? Do you know? The topic of this essay is adolescence. This is the phase of development where we first begin to ask the question: “Who am I?” This is the phase of life where the answers to that question (or lack of an answer) shape us for […]

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