Arts | O.Z.O.R.A. | Ozorian | Painting


By / 2020-04-04

Otto Da Vincze is an artist who has been basically hiding in clear sight during the last few editions of OZORA. Part of the Mirador crew and secret member of the “Artibarn anarchists”, he has put in loads of sleepless hours and sweat into helping create the art scene. He’s the set up manager on […]

Interview | Music | Q&A | radiOzora

Q&Artist – Paul Unkel in IbogaTech

By / 2020-04-02

If you haven’t caught Paul Unkel’s fresh mix in the IbogaTech Series on radiOzora, here’s your chance, press play and get to know “the Angel behind the Uncle” audioillustrated… What were some of the events or experiences that set you off on this journey? Firstly, it was my passion for music. Music has been in […]


Spiderosa Has Spoken

By / 2020-03-29

By Spiderosa Today morning the spider wove a web across my coffee cup. Right now here in Mallorca the corona-panic is raging around us, shops are emptying, the winds of chaos are rustling our lives too. I got a message from Spiderosa. It’s a bit tougher this time. There was a similar voice already back […]

Essay | Psyculture | Wheel of Wisdom

Whataboutism and the coronavirus

By / 2020-03-29

By Sereno Sky, author of the “Lonely Traveler” novels We’ve all read or heard it in recent weeks, this notion that the present coronavirus “is just like another one of these existing influenzas covering the globe in waves each year, taking their toll mainly among the elderly, whose immune systems are naturally getting weaker.“  This […]

Philosophy | Prophet-orial | Psyculture | Spirituality | Visionary

Propheterole – soul dessert with a pinch of salt

By / 2020-03-29

“No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” – Hal Borland Wow! What a month on Earth this was! Astronomical spring arrived, even a day earlier, on March 19, a first in 124 years. But this time you could actually hear Nature coming to life, in cities too, hear the birds from the cars, […]

Interview | Music | Q&A | radiOzora

Q&Artist – Dr Fractal In Focus

By / 2020-03-26

Paired with his exclusive radiOzora live set debut In Focus, we introduce French night-psy producer, Dr Fractal. Push play and read audioillustrated! How did your musical journey start? I discovered free parties, then the world of trance quickly after. How was your alter ego born, what’s the meaning behind your name? I started composing for […]

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