Pure psychedelic techno has been oozing through the Digital Diamond series on radiOzora and a featured artist has been Adamson. Here’s some Q&A for you to uncover who stands behind “Chameleon Techno”, push play and read audioillustrated. – What were some of the events or experiences that set you off on this journey? That was […]
In Focus on radiOzora, Temple Twister Records label head, Brian Fernandes aka DJ 26 Brian, who’s known under a multitude of other aliases and for a range of different labels, recently showcased the Temple Twister’s greatest releases through a mix embracing its 15 years of sonic content. Here’s an all-embracing look into all that Brian […]
NAPRA –”an interstellar laser beam and pan-galactic quantum madness reseller” who also makes music – is presenting his thesis on why hitech is the techno of the space age, which is also the title of his new EP, on radiOzora. In the meantime, get to know the humanoid behind the project. –What were some of the […]