DEAR ARTISTS, CREATORS AND ANYONE AT ALL who feels that they have an idea, a vision to realize and bring into existence, please send us your applications!
Just before the 2015 Open Call comes out we thought we’d briefly summarize last year’s art camp and the overall art scene of the festival.
During the last few years O.Z.O.R.A.’s art scene has taken its rightful place in the festival limelight, expanding in diversity, color and visions through which we can explore more and more layers of the art connected to our culture year by year.
Blaze will be talking to Dr. Tamás Agócs ’Atom’ once a month about and from the „viewpoint-without-a-viewpoint”. Part of the weekly radiOzora series Simplify, which itself is greatly inspired by this approach. We have all heard about the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Eery title, legendary status, the Bible of the beat generation: this we […]
Like many people, I used to dismiss the concept of spirituality as new-age hocus pocus that sound as absurd as the idea of Noah’s Ark. Not anymore.
A drummer in punk rock band, founding member of Ozric Tentacles and one of the firsts to give techno concerts at underground raves, Merv nowadays still finds his inspiration in the endless possibilities of ‘blank canvas’ and never even once have thought of doing anything other than mindblowing psychedelic electronica. Ozorian Prophet talked with Merv Pepler aka Eat […]
The Ozorian Prophet subscribers have surely noticed that Dragoa, the Girl w/ Dragon Tattoo, Eve, Adam and the Snake could not make it to the Ozorian Village this year due to other commitments. This is why our comics creators had to resort to featuring subjects that would not be able to leave the Valley even […]
In case you couldn’t be with us in the Ozorian Village this year, we’ve collected the seven issues of the hard copy version of the Ozorian Prophet in downloadable PDF version. Enjoy!