Arts | Library | Monthly Prophet | Music | O.Z.O.R.A. | Psyculture

Monthly Prophet: DECEMBER 2020

By / 2020-12-23

CLICK TO READ: Decemberries Prophet interactive

Arts | O.Z.O.R.A. | Ozorian | Painting


By / 2020-04-04

Otto Da Vincze is an artist who has been basically hiding in clear sight during the last few editions of OZORA. Part of the Mirador crew and secret member of the “Artibarn anarchists”, he has put in loads of sleepless hours and sweat into helping create the art scene. He’s the set up manager on […]

Arts | Library | Monthly Prophet 2020 FEB | Music | O.Z.O.R.A. | Psyculture


By / 2020-02-22

FEBRUARY PROPHET 2020-02-22 Paperless Ozorian The motto of our day and age has shifted from sustainability to regeneration. As individuals and community, as a cultural and ideological impact on the world around us, we strive to be better humans, or better animals rather, in as many areas of our lives as we can. Like all […]

Arts | Festival | O.Z.O.R.A. | Psyculture

Main Stage Deco 2019: Flower-powered recyclart and organzatic design

By / 2020-01-21

“I have a vision, that these things are the true rituals of our age… I know how much good energy and creative force is put into it, but it feels a thousands times more when it manifests, no longer as everything that the inventors have made it, but also everything that it merges with, and […]

Arts | Festival | O.Z.O.R.A. | Visionary

RetrOZpect – Metal, Sparks and RecyclArt

By / 2019-11-21

In 2019 alone, 3 tons of scrap metal got upcycled at O.Z.O.R.A. The Ozorian art scene also places recyclart at the forefront every year. If you add our tribe’s infatuation with steampunkish, post-apocalyptic aesthetics into the equation, you get all kinds of visionary and phantasmagorical metal art, which you can admire in the long-standing sculptures […]

Arts | Interview | Ozorian | Psyculture

OZORIAN – El Pelopincho

By / 2019-10-09

“Ozorian” can mean different things to different people, it can mean different journeys that lead us to finding our tribe and finding ourselves, and through our alternate universe finding ways to shape reality. Therefore, this series is about You, just as much as about Us. It’s about the amazing, inspiring people who make up our […]

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